The Postharvest Working Group of Italian Horticultural Society (SOI), with the support of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV), the Italian Association for Plant Protection (AIPP), the Italian Society for Research on Essential Oils (SIROE), and the Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering (AIIA) is organising a Workshop entitled, “Innovation in postharvest management of fruit and vegetables”, to be held at Marche Polytechnic University (Aula Azzurra) in Ancona on 19 May, 2017

This meeting will be focused on new trends in the management of fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables to retain quality and reduce microbial contamination and decay development. The experiences from different countries will be presented by relevant scientists in the field, and the implementation of sustainable solutions in different areas will be discussed.

09.00 - Registration

09.30 - Welcome addresses

09.45 – I Session

Fruit storage and packaging systems in Hungary – Prof. Elisabeth Karaffa, University of Debrecen, Hungary

Use of GRAS salts as alternative antifungals to reduce postharvest decay of fresh produce – Dr Lluis Palou, Spain

Eliciting effects of plant volatiles for reducing postharvest losses during marketing - Prof. Dharini Sivakumar, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, SA

11.00 – Coffee break

11.30 – II Session

Non-destructive quality assessment in pepper, melon and potato – Dr Dimitrios Kasampalis, Department of Horticulture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Innovative strategies for gray mold management in China – Ms Dandan Xu, Beijing, China

Green beans yield and pod characteristics as affected by nettle water – Ms Branka Perincic, Dr Smiljana Goreta Ban, University of Zadar, Croatia

Postharvest management of main crops in Tunisia – Ms Marwa Moumni, INAT, Tunisia

Management of postharvest diseases of fruit in Iran – Ms Razieh Rajestary, Iran

13.00 – Lunch

14.00 – III Session

Induced resistance as a sustainable tool for the management of postharvest diseases of fresh fruit and vegetables – Prof. Gianfranco Romanazzi, Marche Polytechnic University, Italy

Innovative approaches to improve quality and safety of fresh minimally processed fruit and vegetables - Prof. Giancarlo Colelli, University of Foggia, Italy

Use of molecular markers for quality evaluation in the fresh cut fruit and vegetables distribution chain - Prof. Antonio Ferrante, University of Milan, Italy

Strawberry compositional analyses and studies on health effects – Prof. Bruno Mezzetti, Marche Polytechnic University, Italy

Metabolomics and postharvest stress physiology of fleshy fruits - Prof. Pietro Tonutti, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa, Italy

16.00 - Discussion and Conclusions


Report on the workshop.

Presentations of the speakers.

Facebook: “Postharvest Ancona 2017”

# PostharvestAncona2017

English is the official language of the meeting

The workshop will receive 0.75 CFPs valid for the achievement of what is specified in the CONAF regulation no. 3/2013 for the continuous training of the Dottori Agronomi e Dottori Forestali approved by resolution of the National Council no. 308 of 23.10.2013