Agrometeorology, investigating the relationships between environmental factors and primary production, is inherently multidisciplinary and often transversal among different scientific areas, with respect to both investigated subjects and applied methodologies. For this reason, within a working group, the agrometeorologist often plays a role of liaison, searching for methodological solutions enabling to improve personnel interoperability. Nowadays, working in this speci f ic operat ional framework requires more and more technical and scientific knowledge in Informat ion and Communicat ion Technology as well as a constant effort to be constantly updated about many other different fields of knowledge. The work carried out by Laura Bacci in horticultural science and production sustainability, is emblematic . In recent years, her work is enlightened the role of technological transfer projects as fundamental tools, not only to achieve a true progress but also to build a common knowledge base, shared among all economic, productive and research actors. The research experiences presented in this article demonstrated the importance to collect near-real time data on the main environmental (solar radiation, air temperature, soil water content, etc.) and management factors (treatments, interventions, etc.), as well on the most relevant eco-physiological responses (photosynthesis, transpiration, fluorescence, etc.). The activities carried out in the frame of many research projects at the CNR-IBIMET of Florence, under the guide of Laura Bacci, has resulted in a computer based systems able to provide agro-meteorological warnings to farmers, on the base of scientific and technical principles defined thanks to a positive collaboration between scientist and decision makers. In a dynamic and multidisciplinary environment, this group of work has recognized the importance of realizing a coherent framework (software) for horticulture able to support Italian producers to face next economical and environmental challenges. Recalling the main phases of her research pathway, this article presents some of the most interesting results obtained on over thirty years of activity.
Keywords: systems management support, environmental sensor, agrometeorological model, irrigation management, environmental sustainability